School Needs
We are extremely excited about the new school in January 2020. Many of you have asked what ways you can help. We are trying to be very strategic in this matter. We want to be good stewards of our resources. Once we have an adequate supply of a specific resource we will delete it from our list. This is a great opportunity to involve schools, classes, churches, or organizations!
Socks and Underwear.
We have 47 children who are kinder-2nd grade (true to size) and 76 who are 3rd-6th grade.
Toothbrushes and Toothpaste.
The school will provide each teacher with a “school box” to help with the resources she needs. Each classroom will be given a set of school supplies for each student. The supplies will be community property of the classroom and the school.
Ideal Teacher Boxes: (10 Needed)
- Stapler
- Staples
- 3-Ring Hole Punch
- Single Hole Punch
- Post-its
- Pens
- Expo Markers
- Highlighters
- Sharpies
- Electric Pencil Sharpener
- White Board Erasers
- Sentence Strips
- Pocket Charts
- Band-Aids
- Bulletin Board Border
- Rubber Bands
- Binder Clips
- White-Out
- Timer
- Tape Dispenser
- Tape
- Rubber Bands
- Paper Clips
- Calculator
- Index Cards
- Jump Drives
- Elmo Document Camera Projector (This is expensive but someone may want to purchase it)
- Laptop (Owned by the school but checked out by each teacher)
Student Boxes: (Approximately 200)
- Scissors
- Crayons
- Pencil Pouches
- Pencils
- Erasers
- Markers
- Highlighters
- Folders with Prongs
- Colored Pencils
- Glue Sticks
- Liquid Glue
- Pens
- Flash Cards
- Books
- Pencil Sharpeners with Caps
- Erasers
- Small Expo Markers
- Jump Drives (For Older Kids–About 125)
- Play-Doh
Library Books in Spanish–We currently have 600 books–We need lots more!